Star Wars D20 Pdf Download

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Star Wars D20 Heroes Guide Pdf >>>CLICK HEREStar Wars universe and whose material we have drawn from, and George Hasbro, Inc. The d20 System logo is a trademark owned by Wizards of the Coast. Made in the to a campaign, especially if the other heroes in the campaign consider where the spirit of Freedon Nadd arose to guide them. Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Expanded Updated.

Star Wars Roleplaying Game
Revised Core Rulebook

Attribution information




Brian Campbell, Cory J. Herndon, Kim Mohan (Managing ed.)


Andrew Robinson, Doug Alexander Gregory, John Gallagher, Tommy Lee Edwards

Publication information


Publication date


The Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook is a part of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game published by Wizards of the Coast. This rulebook is the revised and updated edition of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Still utilizing the d20 system, the game incorporates new, stream-lined mechanics and presents new information. The revised version was published following the release of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones on May 1, 2002. It features a foreword by Steve Sansweet.

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Publisher's summaryEdit A long time age in a galaxy far, far away…

Immerse yourself in the excitement of the greatest space fantasy of all time. You can struggle to preserve the peace and order of the Republic, join the Rebellion against the oppressive might of the Empire, or defend the New Republic against the tyranny of the Yuuzhan Vong. The only limit to the adventure is your imagination. Take control of your destiny and become one of the greatest heroes of the galaxy.



For me, it was love before first sight, and for that I feel blessed. I came to Star Wars in 1977 with only my own expectations, not some overfed media hype machine that seems to accompany so many flash-in-the-pan movies these days. I had devoured classic science fiction novels growing up, and was a fan of movie serials when they entertained me after school on my folks' small-screen TV.

But Star Wars! That's always been something else. As a business journalist in Los Angeles, I had picked up some early rumblings about the film. There were a few mentions in the Hollywood trades and in a new science fiction magazine named Starlog. What really did it for me - and what became the first in a barn full of treasured Star Wars memorabilia - was a brochure sent to exhibitors to entice them to rent the film for their theaters.

Wow! If the movie was anything like the huge color photos in this over-sized 28-page booklet, accompanied by a description of the film and its main characters, I couldn't wait to see it, Then, three weeks before the general opening on May 25th, 1977, I attended a press screening on the backlot at Twentieth Century Fox. From the moment the Star Destroyer passed overhead and kept going and going, I had a new passion in life.

What hooked me personally was another scene without words. Luke Skywalker gets up from his aunt and uncle's dinner table in frustration, desperately wanting to leave this dusty, barren planet - and the road-block to his future that it represents. He walks up a small hill and casts his eyes toward the horizon to watch the twin suns of Tatooine set as some of John Williams's most plaintive music swells in the background. I could taste Luke's yearning, his need to leave home and establish himself as his own person. I so related to that. For Luke, the hero's journey was about to begin. I was already on my journey..and at that point, I didn't know how either was going to end.

The hero's journey? It was that, and much more, as George Lucas deliberately set out to create a new mythos using many of the tenets of classic mythology-tenets that date back to before recorded history. There were few heroes in the late '70s, after Vietnam and Watergate. Movies had gotten dark, the lines between good and evil blurred. Then along came a film that, subtly, tied into mythological archetypes and spread through worldwide culture. That, and it had really cool special effects!

The fact that George Lucas's epic space fantasy is still going strong after 25 years says something about the filmmaker, the films, and the auidence. The saga is so ingrained in the worldwide popular culture that writers and artists feel secure using dialogue as punch lines without further explanation. Star Wars helps give many of us a shared identity and a sense of community. It's the dialogue, the characters, their relationships, the visual effects, the music - Yes, it's all Saturday matinee, but it's the best Saturday matinee imaginable.

Star Wars has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of people worldwide in large part because the saga celebrates heroism and the limitless potential of the individual. It engages us. It excites us. It inspires us. And most of all, it's fun to watch, fun to collect the merchandise, fun to read the books and comics, and fun the play the games, like the increadibly inventive one you hold in your hands. For an entire generation, Star Wars has been a defining cinematic moment, inspiring countless young men and women into pursuing creative careers of all types.

Wookieepedia has 56 images related to Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook.

The popularity of Star Wars is growing. Motivational speech mp3 download free. The original Star Wars gene to subsequent generations. (The advent of movies on videocassette didn't hurt much, either.)

It can't just be nostalgia that draws people to the saga. After all these years Star Wars is still cool. Whether it's Han Solo with his Elvis grin, Darth Vader's sharp but ominous black outfit, the craftily worn look of the spaceships, the eye-popping battles, or the lightsaber swordplay, Star Wars still feels hip. There's a timelesss element about the emotions they provoke that other films just don't seem to have.

If you've been a part of Star Wars fandom for a while, or returned to it with the Special Editions or the start of the Prequel films, then you know what a wonderful voyage it has been. But if you've picked up this book as a relative 'newbie', I want to welcome you as you proceed on your own path of discovery, your own 'hero's journey'. What a joyride you're in for!- Stephen J. Command and conquer ultimate collection download. Sansweet. October 14, 2001

Designer's prefaceEdit

Player's sectionEdit


The basicsEdit

Playing Star WarsEdit

Character creationEdit

Star Wars D20 Pdf Books

Chapter 1 - AbilitiesEdit

  • Your ability scores
  • Ability modifiers
  • The abilities
  • Changing ability scores

Chapter 2 - SpeciesEdit

  • Choosing a species
  • Species characteristics

Chapter 3 - ClassesEdit

  • The classes
  • Class and level bonuses
  • Level-dependent benefits
  • Class description
  • Gaining experience and levels
  • Multiclass characters

Chapter 4 - SkillsEdit

  • Skills summary
  • How do skills work?
  • Acquiring skills ranks
  • Using skills
  • Table 4-4: Skills
  • Table 4-5: Force skills
  • Skill description

Chapter 5 - FeatsEdit

  • Table 5-1: Feats
  • Feat description
  • Table 5-2: Force feats

Chapter 6 - Heroic characteristicsEdit

  • Details
  • Reputation
  • Missions

Chapter 7 - EquipmentEdit

  • Table 7-2: Weapons
  • Table 7-3: Armor
  • Table 7-4: Equipment

Chapter 8 - CombatEdit

  • How combat works
  • Combat sequence
  • Combat statistics
  • Combat basics
  • Initiative
  • Actions in combat
  • Injury and death
  • Movement and position
  • Combat modifiers
  • Special initiative actions
  • Special weapons effects
  • Special attacks and damage

Chapter 9 - The ForceEdit

  • The Force through the ages
  • Force-using tradition
  • The Jedi
  • The Jedi Code
  • The teachings of MasterOdan-Urr
  • Force points
  • The dark side

Chapter 10 - VehiclesEdit

  • Vehicle classes
  • Vehicle costs
  • Vehicle systems
  • Vehicle combat
  • Vehicle movement
  • Maneuvers
  • Vehicle descriptions

Chapter 11 - StarshipsEdit

  • Starship costs
  • Hyperspace travel
  • Starship systems
  • Map of the galaxy
  • Starship combat
  • Starship movement
  • Starship maneuvers
  • Heroes as crew
  • Starship descriptions

Gamemaster's sectionEdit

Chapter 12 - GamemasteringEdit

  • Providing adventures
  • Teaching the game
  • Providing the universe
  • Determining the style of play
  • Adjudicating
  • Propelling the game forward
  • Keeping the game balanced
  • Changing the rules
  • Running a game session
  • How to build an adventure
  • How to build a campaign
  • Prestige classes
  • Gamemaster characters
  • Generating communities
  • Favors and contacts
  • The environment

Chapter 13 - Eras of playEdit

  • Life in the galaxy
  • The three eras
  • Main characters
  • Supporting characters

Chapter 14 - Allies and opponentsEdit

  • Allies of the galaxy
  • Creatures
  • Character archetypes

Chapter 15 - DroidsEdit

  • A droid's life
  • Droid classifications
  • Droid limitations
  • Droid personalities
  • Programming and equipment
  • Droid maintenance
  • Droid repair
  • Modifying droids
  • Droid death
  • Droid accessories
  • Sample droids



Star Wars D20 Pdf Download Windows 10

Terms and definitionsEdit


Character sheetEdit

Revised Core Rulebook Pdf


This list is incomplete. You can help Wookieepedia by expanding it.
By type
Characters Creatures Droid models EventsLocations
Organizations and titlesSentient speciesVehicles and vesselsWeapons and technologyMiscellanea


Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Weapons and technology



  • 'Gamescape'—Star Wars Insider 58

External linksEdit

Star Wars Roleplaying Game
Star Wars Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook · Star Wars: Invasion of Theed Adventure Game
Secrets of Naboo · Living Force Campaign Guide · Secrets of Tatooine
The Dark Side Sourcebook · Rebellion Era Sourcebook · Alien Anthology
Starships of the Galaxy · The New Jedi Order Sourcebook · Tempest Feud (adventure)
Revised Edition
Revised Core Rulebook · Power of the Jedi Sourcebook · Arms & Equipment Guide
Coruscant and the Core Worlds · Ultimate Alien Anthology · Hero's Guide
Galactic Campaign Guide · Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds · Ultimate Adversaries
Saga Edition
Saga Edition Core Rulebook · Dawn of Defiance (adventure) · Starships of the Galaxy
Threats of the Galaxy · Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide · Scum and Villainy
The Clone Wars Campaign Guide · Legacy Era Campaign Guide
Jedi Academy Training Manual · Rebellion Era Campaign Guide · Galaxy at War
Scavenger's Guide to Droids · Galaxy of Intrigue · The Unknown Regions
Posted byGM2 years ago

Converted Adventure Module for download

Hi All. I converted the old WEG adventure 'Starfall' for my EotE campaign and thought it might be useful for people so have put it on dropbox as a pdf.

I've changed a few things around, notably it was for the start of a new group, so I have a preamble for the group to explore why they are all thrown together in a Star Destroyer detention block before the adventure proper. When I ran this, because it was a new group with a couple of brand new players, and they hadn't figured out/agreed on a way they got together as a group, I changed it up slightly from the text. I started the adventure with them in the cells and then said we were going to have a flash back to see how they got there. Then started by having them sat together in a cantina just before some Imps burst in. To give them ownership of whether they surrender meekly, try and help each other, go down blasting etc. Didn't want to say 'this is the sort of group you are, this is how you got here'.

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Most of the converting is just restating stuff. I rely on the NPC card decks for minions and rivals, so just refer to them, rather than stat them up in the text. Added in a 'treasure table' for searching officers quarters etc just for fun.

Hope it proves useful, we probably got about 10 hours playing time out of it.

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